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Capcom Aims for 100 Million Mobile Game Sales Within a Year

Capcom Aims for 100 Million Mobile Game Sales Within a Year

Capcom has a history of pushing the boundaries of technology in gaming. It continues to develop and publish new games, expanding its portfolio while maintaining its commitment to quality and innovation.

The gaming industry leader is strategically aligning itself for substantial expansion within the mobile gaming sector. It is intensively dedicated to crafting a portfolio of triple-A titles tailored explicitly for mobile platforms.

This strategic pivot is driven by the conviction that investments in premium mobile gaming experiences will result in substantial, enduring advantages, encompassing both robust sales figures and enhanced overall financial performance.

During an interview featured on Bloomberg, the company’s COO shed light on their ambitious vision to achieve an annual sales target of 100 million copies of its games. He also underscored Capcom’s vision of diversifying its market presence beyond the traditional PC and console domains.

Why is this important? 

This ambitious endeavor reflects Capcom’s commitment to harnessing the lucrative opportunities presented by the mobile gaming industry while upholding its reputation for delivering top-notch gaming experiences.

He went on to explain that Capcom had a longstanding desire to bring its flagship games to mobile platforms; however, this ambition had been hindered in the past due to technological limitations. Significantly, a pivotal transformation in this regard was catalyzed by Capcom’s collaboration with Apple.

Recently, Capcom announced that Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 Remake will be coming to the iPhone 15 Pro. This move will help the company captivate a broad and enthusiastic global audience.

Tsujimoto also revealed that Capcom is looking for new markets to expand its sales, and their current focus is on India. He predicts that the gaming market in India is poised for exponential growth over the next 5 to 10 years. This projection is grounded in the observation that as college students in India, who are avid gamers, mature, and as the overall economy continues to evolve, the demand for gaming entertainment is expected to surge.

He also pointed out that India’s population has already surpassed that of China, a crucial factor to consider when assessing the potential for success in the Indian gaming market. And the company anticipates achieving more significant results in India compared to their endeavors in China.

According to its annual report, the company experienced a 33% decline in its revenue from mobile games compared to the previous year. Capcom is now venturing into new opportunities within this sector. They are actively exploring various possibilities, such as adapting Resident Evil games for the iPhone platform and strategically licensing their intellectual property to third-party mobile developers.