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GTA 6’s Arrival Worth the Wait, Affirms Voice Actor from GTA 5

GTA 6’s Arrival Worth the Wait, Affirms Voice Actor from GTA 5

After the massive success of GTA 5, fans are anxiously awaiting the next title in the series. The development of GTA 6 was confirmed last year by Rockstar Games, and since then, there has been complete silence from the studio, leaving fans without any information about the game’s release.

This situation has sparked unease within the fan community of the series. A devoted follower reached out to Ned Luke on Instagram, asking him about GTA 6. His response was reassuring, stating that the anticipation for GTA 6 would ultimately prove to be worthwhile.

Why is it important?

The statement provides reassurance to the eager fans of the Grand Theft Auto series. It implies that despite the anticipation and the prolonged wait for GTA 6, the actor believes the upcoming game will meet or exceed fans’ expectations.

Ned Luke is the actor who brought the character Michael De Santa to life in GTA V. He is among those actors who consistently receive accolades from fans for their contributions and skills showcased in GTA V.

Recently, he posted a fan’s message expressing gratitude for his performance in the game. Within the comment section, a particular fan raised the topic of GTA VI. This fan seemed quite impatient, stating that a multitude of gamers are eager to dive into the next installment of the series.

Ned’s response was straightforward that the wait would be justified. 

Determining whether the actor possesses any actual information about the upcoming installment, or if he’s solely expressing confidence in Rockstar’s future endeavors, is a challenge.

Nevertheless, concrete information regarding the content and characters of this forthcoming game remains quite limited at present. One thing that is certain is that Rockstar Games is actively engaged in developing the next installment. Furthermore, snippets from an early phase of game development have previously surfaced online, providing a glimpse into what’s in progress.

It is expected that the game will be released within the next two years, especially considering the consistent hints from the parent company, Take-Two Interactive.